Business Partners

We have a tight network of business partners whom we work with and we are members of a variety of business organisations:

Dawes-logo1Dawes Communication: English Text that Works – Professional English text services. Original English copy that will present your company professionally on the international stage.

wendy-sprockFinancial Translations Wendy Sprock: professionelle Wirtschaftsübersetzungen der Wirtschaftsprüferin Wendy Sprock. tells the stories behind products and services in films.
Filmmaker Heiner Schäfer and his team of specialists work in English and German.


green-space-coachingGreen Space Coaching: As a personal development coach and facilitator, Karen works in London enabling people to connect to themselves and their resources through nature in ways that support and inspire long-lasting change. Karen was one of my early clients in Hamburg.


PaperpowerPaperpower, Annette Klein Lenderink, painting, paperdesign, bookbinding and photo-cards, a free-lance Dutch artist. Handicraft combined with artistic expression. Each paper design is created individually with acrylic paints and oil crayons using different techniques.


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